AGAPE Family Therapy & Coaching, LLC
is a NYS & NYC Certified Minority & Women
Owned Business Enterprise
our mission
our vision
The word "agape" has origins in the Greek and Hebrew languages and means unconditional love and at AGAPE Family Therapy & Coaching, we love you unconditionally. That means you get to bring your whole self to receive services free of judgment. We look to you as experts in your lives searching for self-liberation for you, your family and your community.
AGAPE Family Therapy & Coaching assists members through individual, family, and group therapy and life coaching to facilitate self-discovery, self-liberation, restorative healing, and authentic connection to themselves, their identified families, and communities.
Erich Fromm, The Road Less Traveled, 1978:
''Love is defined as: The will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.''
''Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are doing.''
Thessalonians 5:11
Imagine individuals, families, and communities being loved unconditionally. Imagine a place where all people with various backgrounds, life experiences can bring their whole selves to receive therapy and coaching free of judgment. Imagine a world where these individuals are viewed as experts in their own lives searching for a guide to be with them on the journey of self-discovery, self-liberation, restorative healing, and authentic connection to themselves, their identified families, and communities. Imagine Therapists and Coaches providing therapy and coaching strategies from a holistic, humanistic, loving, connecting, and inspirational place. At scale. This is the reality we’re building at AGAPE Family Therapy & Coaching.
We’re already helping some of the most influential community leaders, inspiring families and courageous individuals to reach their highest potential in self-leadership. They are engaging in community and self-care, advocating for a better workplace and community life, loving and communicating with their families in healthier ways and being mindful of what their needs are, and communicating that effectively with their identified family and community. AGAPE is loving unconditionally, which follows from the filling up of self and the outpouring to others. A fresh start to loving deeply.